The SPA SNAX has an extensive distribution network based on independent partners allowing its products to be available throughout the national territory.
Each partner has a fleet of vans and a team of sales agents whose main mission is to bring the products closer to the customers and consumers.
At the level of SPA SNAX, the distribution is based on the segmentation of its commercial universe into several territorial zones. Each zone is piloted by a Manager having under his hierarchical responsibility sales supervisors ensuring the interface with the distribution network and in charge of the application of the commercial policy of the company on field, the follow-up, information analysis and feedback, in addition to ensuring the operational application of the various commercial and promotional decisions.
Through this network, the products of SPA SNAX are present in supermarkets, mini-markets, convenience stores as well as in various leisure and relaxation sites.
You have an experience of at least 2 years in the distribution of consumer goods, you have a storage depot and a sales force and you are interested in the distribution of a young and dynamic brand and products appreciated by both old and young…
Join our team of Ambassadors and enjoy many benefits!!!!!
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As a pioneer and major player in the Algerian salty snack market and after having succeeded in introducing and developing the culture of snacking and chips consumption alone, with family or friends, at home or outside with products and gourmet flavors and diversified.
Our company continues its development and is looking forward to other areas of growth with a focus on the future. Indeed, after having succeeded in installing its products in neighboring countries of the Maghreb where the inhabitants have very similar behaviors and consumption habits, the Management has set as next steps, the conquest of more distant markets.